New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve made getting more fit and losing weight your New Year’s resolution to kick off 2018, and why not?  Who doesn’t want to be healthier and look better?






According to a study from the Statistic Brain Research Institute, roughly 42% of Americans made New Year’s resolutions for 2017. The most common resolution involved increasing fitness and activity. As people look in the mirror after the holiday season, there is a strong desire to get active. This is why all of the gyms are packed and classes are full in January. If you’re annoyed at having to wait your turn, just be patient; most of them will give up in the coming months.  The study found that of those who made resolutions, less than half were successful in maintaining their commitment to getting fit.

At SHIFT we are not about making a once a year resolution, we are about making a life change and helping our members stick to that commitment.  Here are some strategies for sticking to it and setting yourself up for success in 2018!

Workout with a friend: Humans are social animals. The more we interact with others, the more likely we are to modify our behavior.

Pre-pay for sessions when possible: Having financial “skin in the game” combined with a commitment to another person means you’re much more likely to stick with your program.

Commit to a non-aesthetic goal:  Plan to participate in a fitness event like a 5 or 10K with a specific date so you have something to work up to.  Don’t use the scale to measure your success.

Pay attention to your body:  Starting a new fitness regimen is supposed to be uncomfortable if you are doing it right, but don’t let aches and pains turn into larger injuries that can derail your program.

Have fun:  We are all more likely to continue doing something if we enjoy it.  Beyond the normal aches and pains and tiredness that come from challenging yourself, enjoy your fitness regimen.  Love the music, love the people you are surrounded by, love the feeling of accomplishment at the end of a workout.

The final and most important key to making your New Year’s resolution work in 2018 is 100% mental.  Keep moving, day after day, step after step. Move when it’s cold; move when you’re tired; move when you don’t want to keep going or even get off the couch. The toughest part of any exercise program is getting out the door. Once you get started, it’s almost impossible to stop!