Remember gym class in school? The class got in lines and did a series of stretches to warm up? Everyone knows at least a few stretches. Often there’s a token effort to stretch before a workout or a run.
Stretching is a very important part of a fitness routine. It is important for range of motion, flexibility, and injury prevention. Here’s several reasons you should make stretching part of your regular program.
Correct Posture
Stretching helps ensure you have correct posture by lengthening tight muscles that pull areas of the body away from proper posture. Opening the major muscle groups helps keep the spine in alignment and relieves aches and pains.
Improved Flexibility
An obvious benefit of stretching is improved flexibility. Being more flexible and improving your range of motion reduces your risk of injury. Your body requires less energy and works less hard to move when your joints move through a full range of motion.
Promotes Blood Circulation
Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles. Improved blood flow speeds up recovery time from workouts and promotes overall healing. Cellular growth and regeneration improves as blood flow improves. The heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood to the entire body.
Improves Stamina
Stretching loosens the muscles and tendons and relieves muscle fatigue and improves blood flow. Stretching delays muscle fatigue by improving the oxygen flow to the blood. Endurance improves.
Reduces Soreness
Stretching before and after a workout gives your muscles improved blood circulation and increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Soreness is reduced as the muscles start to recover.
Improves Athletic Performance
Stretching relaxes the muscles and allows a greater range of motion. More muscle is available for athletic activities. Muscles that are fluid and loose perform better when under the strain of athletic activity.
Stress Relief
Stretching reduces stress. It’s a relaxing activity and as the muscles are elongated they relax and start to feel more supple and flexible. Stretching is a slow, deliberate activity that allows the heart rate to slow and your breathing to deepen. It reduces stress as the muscles stretch.