A lot can happen in a year! Although when we look back it seems to be a relatively short period of time. In one year you could . . .
- Become certified in a technical skills program like graphic design, refrigerator maintenance or truck driving.
- Grow and harvest 4 seasons worth of vegetables.
- Travel across the country by train.
- Have a baby.-OR-
- You could make a commitment to being a much healthier you in just one year. All it takes is a plan and some dedication. Whether your goals are to feel better, have more energy, lose 20 lbs or 100 lbs, climb a mountain, run a marathon, move better, or maybe even to gain weight; visualize it and put in on paper. If your current condition doesn’t match your ideal reality… change it! What are you waiting for? It’s time to make a change. Think of everything that can happen in one year if you just take the first step today.
The only way to make changes is to make choices!
Choose to eat healthier a little at a time. This doesn’t mean dieting, it means trading out unhealthy foods like fried chicken and sodas for things like iced tea and grilled chicken. Substituting fruit for sugar and cutting back carbs like bread, rice and potatoes and replacing them with vegetables.
Choose to be active. You don’t have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer to be active. Start by going for a walk. Try biking to work, or to the store or with a friend. Start slow and build on your progress.
Choose to quit smoking/vaping. This should be a no-brainer but quitting is hard. Acknowledge the challenge and explore some options. There are an amazing number of free programs and medications to help. Don’t give up until you find the one that works.
Choose to use alcohol in moderation. You don’t have to be an alcoholic for drinking to negatively effect your overall health. Even drinking moderately for some people leaves them feeling tired the next day and unmotivated to stay on a healthy track. Instead of a third glass of wine just go to bed, read a book, call a friend or have a snack.
Choose to have people in your life who support your goals. Don’t let friends and family trivialize your desire to have a healthier life. Put yourself first! If you have people in your life who don’t support you and you don’t want to create conflict, don’t even share with them. If that means you don’t always stick with the program when you are with them, that’s better than having someone try to actively derail your progress.
If you can stick with your choices one day at a time and build on your progress, after 365 days you will be looking at the person you visualized (within reason) on day one!