Springtime is a great time of year to get more motivated to meet your fitness goals. You can get outside more and start shedding the winter pounds. Here’s a few tips to motivate you to be more active this spring. After all, summer is just around the corner.
Set a Specific Goal. Sometimes we exercise because its our routine. We lose sight of goals that we’ve set before. Find those goals again and get committed to them. Write them down and think about them when you exercise. Recommit yourself to meeting your goals. Don’t wander the gym aimlessly.
Challenge Yourself. Make things challenging for yourself. If you’re into weight training, set new goals for training intensity. Add more weight or do more reps or sets. If you’re into cardio training, run longer or faster. Take more cardio classes or vary your routine.
Vary Your Routine. You’ve been doing your winter exercise routine for several months. Change things up. Add some new exercises. Do more or less cardio training than you’re used to doing. Find ways to change your routine so you’re more interested.
Workout with a Friend. Grab a friend for a workout buddy and go to the gym together. It’s always good to workout with a friend. Companionship is important. You can talk about your routine and exercises. Share things that are working for you. You can get each other motivated.
Sleep More. It’s easy to deprive yourself of sleep. You don’t pay attention to it and find yourself staying up later at night. Or perhaps you aren’t sleeping as well as you should. Watch your alcohol and caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening. Lower your stress levels as the evening comes on. Prepare your mind for a good night’s sleep.
Workout with a Trainer. Hire a trainer to take you through some workouts. You can hire a full-time trainer if you like. Or, hire a trainer once a week for a month. Learn new things. Find out different ways of doing things. The trainer can vary your routine and make things fresh again.
Train for an Event. There are lots of events in the spring. Sign up for a 5k run or a long hike. Participate in a sports league along with your friends. Try running a half marathon.
Workout Early. People who workout early in the morning tend to adhere to their workout schedules better. Granted, its not for everybody. If you can get up early and get to the gym you’ll find you don’t have as many things on your mind. You’re fresh and eager to train.
Create Powerful Rewards. If you lose 10 pounds take a weekend trip. If you lose 20 pounds take a one-week trip. Create powerful rewards that will motivate your to take action. It’s got to be more than having a dip cone after a workout. Make it impactful. Go someplace you’ve never been or experience something you’ve never seen.