Molly Lorenz has been working out at SHIFT by Dana Perri and getting real results.
“I feel better all day when I work out. Physically my posture is better. My strength and weight loss are better. I sleep better. My emotional well-being is so much better when I work out,” Molly said.
Molly faces challenges to get her quality workouts done. Now 52 years old, she was a professional dancer and taught dance for many years. Her knees and her heels are in poor shape from years of wear and tear. “The spring floor at SHIFT takes the impact away. I can take a class and not worry about my knees hurting. Everyone feels good on the spring floor.”
Molly said repetitive activities like the elliptical machine make her knees hurt. “Dana’s classes aren’t repetitive. They are always exciting and ever changing,” she said.
Molly has been with SHIFT by Dana Perri for two years. A friend introduced her to SHIFT. She takes classes two to three times a week and is very consistent. She goes to class after dropping her children off at school. She has three children ages 12, 14 and 16. She’s a full-time mother after previously owning and operating a dance studio.
“Class is part of my morning. Most of us have children and we’re in the routine of getting out of the house. SHIFT is part of my day,” she said.
Molly enjoys the full body workout she gets. “Because Dana’s program is so well conceived, I leave class feeling like I’ve had a complete workout. I don’t need anymore,” she said.
She find’s Dana’s classes motivating and sometimes demanding. “She’s one of the best instructors you’ll ever meet. The structure of her program is great. The benefit of taking her classes is you get a personal training experience at a class price”!